Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Our ministry exist to be an extension of our church’s overall mission. We strive come alongside parents to make disciples of our children through loving, relational environments. Whether, through our Sunday/Wednesday experience, events, or parent resources, our goal is to impact children in such a way that they have a closer relationship with the Lord.

Weekly Gatherings
Sunday Mornings 9:00am
...JAMTRAK - Every month we learn a Bible Story by rotation. We learn through Art, Storytime, Games and Divergent. Divergent means different - it could be a science experiment, making a movie or newspaper, or even a cooking lesson, it's always something unexpected!
Wednesday Nights 6:30pm
... TeamKid - a fun, high-energy ministry that encourages kids to know Jesus Christ and grow in a relationship with Him!